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Intoxicants are involved in many student events

Traditionally, new students are introduced to the alcohol culture of the student community from the very beginning of their studies. Substance abuse during one’s studies may be used to seek relief from stress, a sense of belonging, a sense of community among a group of students, or just a general reason to spend time together.

Substance use affects one’s study ability

Substance abuse has an impact on many aspects of life. It affects at least one’s health, finances, and social relations. Substance use during studies also has a strong impact on study ability. Parties may run late into the night, and sleep may be scarce or poor, and when you’re tired, studying becomes difficult. Not to mention the use of other intoxicants, which can even have an impact on cognitive study abilities.

Are you concerned about your own substance abuse or the substance abuse of others?

Did a party affect your exam results, did you miss out on group work, or did your general study habits slip because of substance use? If you’re worried about your own substance use, take self-help tests online (links at the bottom of the page) to gauge the situation, or discuss the issue with someone like your school nurse. For help in reflecting on intoxicants and substance use, visit the Find help section of the Nyyti website.

Sometimes, situations may arise where you are also concerned about a fellow student; you may think they may have a problem with excessive use or abuse of intoxicants. In such a case, it is important to express and share your concerns. By expressing your concern, you will show that you care about the other person. Sometimes, the situation is clarified by simply asking something like, “How are you really?” or “How are you coping?”