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Students’ Mental Health Week

Students’ Mental Health Week is a campaign coordinated by the Student Well-being Network. The campaign is aimed at highlighting the mental health situation of students and building a more mentally healthy study culture. At the heart of the campaign are events of all sizes held on campuses, which we invite you all to organize!

The theme of the campaign week is equality, particularly focusing on social accessibility. Social accessibility refers to an accepting and appreciative attitude towards the diversity of people. Through social accessibility, equal opportunities for everyone to participate and engage, for example, in educational institutions and student communities, can be facilitated.

The campaign is open to everyone, and we invite all of you working with students to join in organizing events during the campaign week. We challenge everyone to organize events that are as accessible and inclusive as possible. Check out event ideas for organizing campaign events. In Week 11, the visual identity of the campaign will be published on these pages, which is freely available for everyone to use.

Contact information
Tommi Yläkangas
tel. +358 50 366 7786

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