Social network does not mean simply knowing as many people as possible or constantly forming new contacts. Your social network consists of the people you consider meaningful to yourself.
Everyone has a different kind of network. It can include people from your family, study place or hobbies. Neighbours, pets and familiar salespersons from the local store can all be a part of your network too.
Social networks do not have to be especially extensive and include several dozens of people. Being personally satisfied in your network is more important than the number of people in it.
In other words, a single ideal social network that all of us should strive for does not exist. However, for your network to support your wellbeing, it must provide you with joy and energy. Your network should include people you can turn to when you need help.
Social networks change according to situations in life
As years pass by, close friends may become acquaintances and work colleagues may become closer to you than your own relatives. It is natural that some relationships in your network last for a lifetime while others disappear. This is something that simply happens because of changes in people’s situations in life. Factors that previously connected friends just are not relevant anymore.
Even though networks inevitably change, maintaining them also requires active maintenance. Staying in contact requires you to be active too. Does your network include someone you have not contacted in a long time? Maybe you should send them a message today.
Your social network can also be unsuitable or inadequate. Unsuitable relationships, such as contentious or one-sided relationships where you are the only giving partner, can drain our resources and exhaust us. We can then try to make our relationships more conducive to our well-being and happiness by doing things like talking through difficulties or distancing ourselves from a person. An inadequate social network also contributes to loneliness. It is, therefore, a good idea to ask yourself from time to time which relationships you are happy or unhappy with. What would I like more of in my social network? Which existing relationships would I like to strengthen, and which would I like to reduce?
Ask the people in your network to help you
Do not hesitate to utilise your network when facing difficult situations in life. If you feel bad, you may avoid other people and be quieter than normal. You would like to be alone or would not want to burden others.
Do not hesitate to utilise your network when facing difficult situations in life.
Despite this, it is important to keep in contact with your friends and loved ones during difficult situations in life. You can discuss any problems on your mind with them, and they can provide you with compassion and concrete help.