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The project’s poster template and communications

  • You can find information about the progress made by the project Yhdessä yhteisöksi and interesting posts relating to community, being part of a group and preventing loneliness on our Instagram account @yhdessayhteisoksi. By liking and sharing our content you can do your bit to spread an inclusive atmosphere!

On social media you can identify us and related topics by the hashtags

By using these hashtags, you can also share your own content on social media.

  • In addition to our own Instagram account we are also active on Nyyti’s channels on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. All of these are worth following!
  • The project’s poster template (ppt-template, FI) can be used by anyone who is interested in promoting a sense of community. You can use the poster template for your own events that promote community. If you would like some more visual material to support your work, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
  • Through us you can also order the project’s printed posters (A2 size, FI).

You can also join the project by doing some volunteer work. Please fill the following  survey to enroll yourself into Nyyti ry’s Yhdessä Yhteisöksi-project:

For more information about the project’s materials and communication, please contact

Annina Lindberg, project coordinator

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