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Dreaming is the ability to imagine what life would be like at its best. A dream answers the questions: What kind of life do I want to live? Am I happy with this, or do I want something more? Dreams can be big things that could happen in the long term or small, nice things that can happen in the near future. A dream could be, for example, to graduate in a profession, learn a new skill, own a home, travel abroad, or make a new purchase.


Dreams are born from an ability to dream and the courage to give yourself good things. Dreaming requires self-awareness: knowing what is unique to me and my values, what I really want and need. Dreaming also takes courage and confidence in achieving the dream. Dreams can be worked with in different ways, such as through a dream map, vision board, or a dream path.


In pursuing our dreams, we must take responsibility for our feelings, thoughts, values and attitudes, our current situation, our life choices and attitudes. We also have to take into account the people close to us and the circumstances of our lives, and sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.

You can start pursuing your dream by setting yourself milestones. The size of the milestones depends on how big the dream is. Setting and achieving milestones increases your belief and your chances of achieving your dream. Not all dreams require a lot of work. Small dreams, like starting a new hobby, are not difficult to achieve.


The journey towards a dream is a great one, even if the dream doesn’t always come true. Dreaming in itself will help you cope better in everyday life. Your sense of self will develop, and you will find more meaning and inner purpose in life as you move towards your dream.

Dreams encourage us to create something new and develop us as people. If you feel like you can’t come up with a single dream, you can try to approach the subject from a different angle. For example, what are your goals for ten years from now? Where would you like to be in your life then? Goals are about things that are important to you and may also be related to your dreams.

You can also consider your values and needs. What would your daily life look like if your core needs were met and you were living your life to the fullest according to your values? What would your ideal life be like? By starting with the things you think are important, great, or worth pursuing, you’ll get closer to your dreams. Your dreams can be small things or big, idealistic images related to your life situation. Whatever they are, they’re yours and they’re right just the way they are.