
Story by pseudonym Anonymous

Almost two years ago, I had my first panic attack, which came from nowhere. I didn’t understand what was happening and tried to sweep it under the carpet and continue a normal life.

Soon I realized that it wasn’t possible – I had more and more panic attacks, and it was hard. At first, I didn’t tell anyone, but after surviving for a year, I had the courage to contact my school psychologist.

Why didn’t I seek help before? Because I had thoughts such as “my problems aren’t big enough”, “others have it worse”, ”I don’t want to be a burden”, etc.

I know that many people think the same and therefore don’t want to seek help, but please do it anyway. That was absolutely the best decision I have made! I know that it isn’t easy, but in the end, it’s worth it.

Don’t be afraid to seek help, talk to a friend or family member, talk to anyone so that you won’t be alone.

Remember to ask your friends and acquaintances how they’re doing – it will only take a few seconds but means a lot more!

The background of the story

As a part of the #HelpWorthy campaign we collected students’ stories about seeking help and the challenges associated with it. We published the stories during the campaign period between 12 and 23 April 2021 to show how multifaceted experiences students have had when seeking help. This story was published as the fourth of a total of seven stories. You will find the other stories on the campaign page.

With the #HelpWorthy campaign around Students’ Mental Health Day, we wanted to encourage young people and students to share their own experiences. Above all, we want to encourage you to seek help whenever you feel the need.

When you need support, there is help available. The most important thing is not to be left alone with your worries. You will find various bodies, which offer help to students and young people in various challenges in life, by category on our website.


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